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      Lp(a) ELISA脂蛋白a檢測試劑盒
      名稱(chēng) Lp(a) ELISA脂蛋白a檢測試劑盒
      更新時(shí)間 2023-09-25
      特點(diǎn) Lp(a) ELISA脂蛋白a檢測試劑盒Mercodia Lp(a) ELISA provides a method for the quantitative determination of human Lp(a) in serum or plasma.}
      • 詳細內容

      Lp(a) ELISA脂蛋白a檢測試劑盒背景介紹:Mercodia Lp(a) ELISA provides a method for the quantitative determination of human Lp(a) in serum or plasma.

      Lp(a) ELISA脂蛋白a檢測試劑盒Summary and explanation of the test Apolipoprotein(a), Apo(a), is a glycoprotein linked by disulphide bridges to apolipoprotein B in the Lp(a) particle. Apo(a) is formed by three different structural domains. One of the domains, called kringle 4, type 2, is present in multiple copies, the number of which varies and is genetically determined, giving rise to different sizes of Apo(a). Depending on the method used, six to 23 different isoforms of Apo(a) ranging from about 300 to 900 kD have been identified 1,2,15,16. Most individuals have two Apo(a) isoforms, although in some subjects no Apo(a) band can be detected when analyzed in SDS-gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting 3. Recently, much interest has been focused on Lp(a) since there is a lot of evidence that circulating levels represents an independent risk factor for coronary vascular disease. The Lp(a) level has been found to be an inherited risk factor for ischaemic heart disease 4-8. High Lp(a) levels have been demonstrated in familial hypercholesterolemia and its measurement may be clinically useful for risk prediction in these patients 9,10. Results have also been published on Lp(a) as a strong indicator for cerebrovascular disease 11,12. Apo(a) is homologous to the protease zymogen plasminogen 13,14. Lp(a) inhibits plasminogen activation and recent studies have shown that Apo(a) compete with plasminogen for binding to the plasminogen receptor. These properties of Apo(a) may explain the association of high Lp(a) concentrations with myocardial infarction. 

      Lp(a) ELISA脂蛋白a檢測試劑盒Principle of the procedure Mercodia Lp(a) ELISA is a solid phase two-site enzyme immunoassay. It is based on the direct sandwich technique in which two monoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinants on the Apo(a) molecule. During incubation Apo(a) in the sample react with per-oxidase-conjugated anti-Apo(a) antibodies and anti-Apo(a) antibodies bound to microtitration well. A simple washing step removes unbound enzyme labeled antibody. The bound conjugate is detected by reaction with 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine. The reaction is stopped by adding acid to give a colorimetric endpoint that is read spectrophotometrically。

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